I mentioned that my vision for my spare bedroom was to create a fiber room in this blog post. I have finally done it! Granted, it's a small space, but it's just right for me. Sam and I made a jaunt out to Ikea for an Expedit workstation. This solution has worked even better than we had anticipated. We also bought a kitchen cart, which I absolutely love! Our shopping excursion took Sam and I less than an hour. Impressive, to say the least.
Here are pictures of the "construction" underway:
We were up to our knees in it!
Ben even got into the act!
Ben put my kitchen cart together all by himself, he is so awesome!
So here's an official tour. You walk in and immediately you notice my new-to-me wheel - my Suzie! I have sort of renamed my wheel Suzanne, since she is such a lady.
I stood on the bed (which I would like to get rid of to make way for a bigger loom someday) and took this picture. Hanging over the cart is a photo of a woman winding a skein from a niddy noddy, which seems a little counter productive. Sam bought the picture for me in an antique shop. It was the "finishing touch" on my fiber room and I love it!
I need to hang my warping board up... maybe next weekend.
Notice Stephen Colbert is on TV. I have dish network, DVR and a DVD player in my fiber room! Big Pimpin'!
MacSally (my Macomber loom) came home with me tonight (from TYF) and I got half way through threading her.
There is truly a place for everything now. Thanks to Sam and Ben for all of their help! I am so happy!