By the way, it's appropriate that I started this blog on September 12th and never finished it. Not much has changed in the last month and a half.
I have really been feeling like life is getting in the way. This is true for so many of us. I wish there were more hours to take care of my house (it's still in boxes), create, go to work, hang out with friends, go to the gym, etc. I thought that I hadn't gotten a lot of fiber things done in the last month or so and then took some pictures this morning. I guess I'm getting a lot more done than I thought. I didn't even take pictures of some of the things I've completed in the last couple months, including a Traveling Woman shawl out of my handspun. It was a great knit, once I got some help from a friend.
So here's just a few photos of what I've been up to:
This is some yarn that I spun up at an Expressions in Spinning group meet up at Tempe Yarn and Fiber. The inspiration was Scarlett O'Hara. I spun some ivory colored merino to represent her race and hand blended the fiber with sari silk threads to represent the remnants of our country torn apart by the Civil War. I knit a scarf that was a quick and easy knit and used a stitch from a stitch pattern book.
This is some yarn that I spun on various spindles. It's 100% tussah silk from Dicentra Designs. I kind of have a thing for the way she uses color. It's a 2-ply, probably lace weight. I spun a little of 2 oz. and gave it to a friend. I hope she finds something to do with it.
This is some camel/silk and silk that I'm spinning up on an Autumn Hollow spindle. I just finished plying it the other day, so I'll have to get some pictures up of that later.
This fiber has been on my to-do list for a while. I haven't even spun the second part of it. It's just not me. Nice fiber; I got it as a gift for participating in Black Sheep Gathering's bingo game. It's from Sunset Fibers. It's always nice to try out different vendors.
These were my first batts carded on my drum carder. It's some delicious Pagewood Farms fiber and some milk fiber with a little razzle dazzle. Can't wait to spin a little up. I think it will go great with these coils that I had spun up previously. It's some of the left-over fiber from that endeavor. All of this goodness came from TYF.
This is some pygora that was given to me by a lovely fiber friend. I've since plied it and it's got a lovely halo. It came from Rainbow Yarns Northwest at a Black Sheep Gathering. Pygora has one hell of a long staple. It was pretty interesting stuff.
I'm doing a little knitting, making some socks and a shawl. I am knitting some other things too, but they aren't as impressive. The Minnesota Vikings hat that I made for my Dad is a memory I would rather forget.
I'm jumping on the fleece bandwagon... we'll see if I manage to not fall off. I have 2 alpaca fleeces that I need to process with a friend (we're sharing) and I've reserved a CVM fleece for next spring from White Barn Farm. Here's a link to some past pictures of Tattoo's fleece. Most exciting was this blog post about what one spinner/knitter created with his lovely fleece. Just stunning and I hear it's quite soft.
I spun my way into my 34th birthday with some awesome fiber friends last week!
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Spinning on my 34th! |
Lots more going on... hope to get a couple more blogs in before 2010 is done and over. It's hard to believe that there are only 2 months left of this year!!!