Last Sunday, June 6th, the Ravelry group "Arizona Spinners" decided to take a road trip to Flagstaff for the wool festival at the Pioneer Museum. What a blast!!! We thought we were getting out of the heat, but that was hardly the case. It was nearly 100 degrees up there!
The wool festival had a variety of local vendors and, obviously, there was fiber. lucsiousgracious said that she didn't leave any for us by the time Sunday rolled around, but we still managed to get our hands on plenty of goodness. We got to meet a few very cute alpaca babies.
There were demonstrations like sheep shearing and herding, which you don't see everyday in Phoenix. Below is a picture of a churro sheep getting sheared and a dog herding ducks, which is similar to the way they heard sheep.
Michele from Purl in the Pines invited us to spin near her set up. It's the kind of friendliness that you come to expect from fiber people. Here's Michele's set up. Hope to cool off at some point during the summer and visit her shop.
After a little shopping, we found a nice shady spot and set up to spin. We drew a lot of attention. There weren't really any other groups set up spinning. They asked us to contact them prior to next year's festival and make arrangements to come and demonstrate. I, personally, was really hoping to connect with some Flagstaff spinners; maybe they know something we don't about spinning wool outside in 100-degree weather. Crazy Valley people!
We had about 8 people and I think a good time was had by all.
Yesterday, Saturday the 12th, we observed Worldwide Knit in Public Day. We met up at The Eggery in Phoenix and they were incredibly nice to us. The hostess even wore a WWKIP sticker. We had about 11 people for brunch and then 9 of us headed off to ride the light rail. We decided to just ride it to the end and then back. I had a great time and I think everyone else did too! Here's some photos:
Chris really is a rockstar, she's got the knitting to prove it.
Even babies got into the action. Klover is the official baby for WWKIP day.
I was so excited to take the train and the weather was perfect.
Riding around...
My all-time favorite picture of the day.
To top of all of the wonderful June fiber outings, I'm headed out to Black Sheep Gathering on Thursday and can't wait!
Thank you for organizing! It was a fun time, sorry that I had to miss out on the train ride!