Thursday, February 25, 2010

What does it mean?

What does it mean to be a fiber gal in Phoenix? I recently changed many of my screen names and started a blog using this moniker. I started to think about this and then it came to me! Inspired by the Expressions In Spinning group at Tempe Yarn & Fiber, I would create fibery things inspired by Phoenix, Arizona.

My first project came to me on a drive this morning. My plan is to spin some fiber; here is said fiber:

I was envisioning something silky, coppery, firey, etc. I purchased the above fiber from an Etsy Seller - The Roving Spinners. I plan on spinning the fiber on the thin side. Hoping to get bits of feather in the spinning.

Then, I will find a complimentary wool color and knit both up into two large squares. Felt them down to make a pillow case. On the top of the pillow case, I plan to needle felt a Phoenix.
I know this first project is quite literal. I don't plan on making my Phoenix projects so literal at all times.

Here are some things I've considered using for future inspiration:
Freeway signs on Piestewa Parkway
Goddard for Governor (he was the Mayor afterall)
Phoenix Dactylifera (we've got them here, so why not?)

The list could just keep going! I am so excited!

I will keep you up-to-date on other fibery happenings (like my first sweater), but I am so excited about the endless inspiration here!

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