Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Lovely Way to Start May!

April 2010 has come and gone. Time for May! It's starting to heat up here in Phoenix. What better time to play with wool?

I feel like I've been working on these socks forever...

The socks are made from Schaefer hand-dyed yarn that I bought at TYF. This is the second time I have used this yarn and I absolutely love it. It is bar none the best. It is the Nichole line and it's 80% extra fine merino superwash wool and 20% nylon. The socks are for a friend of mine whose birthday was 4/21, so I really need to get them done. I am doing top-down, two at a time on magic loop from one ball of yarn. I have done two at a time on magic loop once before, but I did them toe up after taking Chris' class at Knit Happens. I think I prefer top-down and two circs, but I am going to try some various things to really figure out what it is I like. I did a 3x1 (k3, p1) rib around the leg and on the top of the foot.

I'm makin' yarn - for those of you that know the joke, I just said it like, "I'm on a boat, yo!"

The above photo is of some extremely energized purple and black wensleydale. I got it at the destash at TYF. I already know what this yarn is intended for, but it's top secret. I washed it after taking this pic.

I'm spinning up 8 oz. Pagewood Farms BFL in the olive colorway. It is the first time I am using my new-to-me Majacraft Suzie and I want to hurry up and finish this blog so I can go spin.

One of my most favorite days of the month is the last Friday of the month when TYF's Expressions in Spinning occurs. I am always spinning something that I had never thought of until inspired by others. The topic last Friday was movie character and Scarlett O'Hara was chosen. My yarn represents that she is the epitome of a white person (very literal, I know) and the threads that I carded into the white fiber represent the remnant threads of the fabric of our country torn apart by the civil war. I am really loving the way it is coming out.

I got my loom, MacSally, home and she was "half-dressed". The warp was wound on to the back, but I still needed to thread my heddles and sleigh my reed. I managed to do that all by myself and started weaving. Here are some photos:

I'm really loving my fiber room! So is my cat, Schmooey... I guess he knows where the fiber belongs!

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